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1st April 2022

12 Common Summertime Skin Rashes in Children 

Sunny days and starlit evenings spent playing, splashing and exploring can leave children more than warm summertime memories. Mild weather can also lead to itchy and irritated skin.

These rashes can be caused by things like sunlight, insects, sweating and a high temperature during the summer months - especially if they have allergies and / or pre-existing skin conditions. Babies are more likely to have a rash because their skin is often more sensitive.

There are several different types of rashes. Here's some of what can happen during the summer months.

Common Skin Rashes in Children and Adults

Heat Rash

Heat rash or prickly heat occurs when babies sweat excessively, resulting in clogged skin pores. Heavy clothing or baby packages often trap sweat under the skin, which in turn causes small red bumps to appear. If you notice that your baby is feeling uncomfortable or constantly scratching covered areas of the skin, then the cause may be heat rash. It's common to notice heat rash on the back, but it can also cause severe itching around the neck and chest.


It is a skin allergy caused by infections, insect bites and stings, or a reaction to drugs, and is characterized by clear, round bruises. Depending on the extent of the allergic reaction, hives can be localized as in the case of direct skin contact with the allergen, or on a large scale, in which the body becomes unable to tolerate the infection or ingested allergen. Use insect repellants, unscented soaps, and faded clothing when you are outdoors with your children to avoid attracting harmful insects. Although hives are harmless, your children may need antihistamines to soothe itchy skin.

Atopic Dermatitis

Low humidity may lead to a chronic form of eczema known as atopic dermatitis that leaves the skin red, dry, and scaly. Strong fragrances and soaps can escalate skin irritation, so it is best to avoid them. Cover the affected area of your child's skin with breathable clothing and trim his nails to prevent him from scratching, as this may worsen the infection. Most importantly, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or pediatrician to identify other triggers and recommend effective medications.

Poison Ivy

Children playing outside can come into contact with plants that irritate the skin such as poison oak or poison ivy. It can be very unfortunate if your child has an intense itchy skin that leads to a rash, swelling and blisters. Even worse, the leaves of the plant release chemicals that increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. To treat a rash, wash the plant's gel and chemicals from clothing and affected skin with soap and water. To reduce itching, 1% hydrocortisone cream can help relieve skin inflammation.

Mosquito and Insect bites

Unfortunately, the warm months bring with it mosquitoes and insects that are attracted to exposed areas of the skin. Insect bites usually cause a small area where the bite occurred. Sometimes, babies can have greater reactions to insect bites. Most of the time, the over-the-counter use of hydrocortisone and the use of an antihistamine such as Benadryl will provide relief. Always feel free to contact our office if there is any concern about what an insect / mosquito bite looks like!

To help prevent insect bites, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using an insecticide spray with 10-30% of DEET for children and infants 2 months and older. Insect repellants are not recommended for babies younger than 2 months old. It is always best to check your baby's skin at the end of the day for bites, ticks and other rashes during the warmer months.


Every hair on your body grows from an opening called a follicle. When follicles become infected, you develop folliculitis. Infected hair follicles look like pimples, but they tend to feel itchy and tender. To reduce the risk of developing folliculitis this summer:

Immediately after your workout, change tight clothing such as cycling and bathing shorts.

Stay away from hot tubs and whirlpools if you are not sure whether acid and chlorine levels are being properly controlled or not. Many people get folliculitis from a hot tub, and there is actually a condition called "hot tub folliculitis."

Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing when the weather is hot and humid.

Seabather’s eruption

Also called pica pica, this itchy rash develops in people who go to the Caribbean Sea and the waters off the coast of Florida and Long Island in New York. You get it when a jellyfish or newly hatched sea anemone gets stuck between your skin and your swimsuit, fins, or other equipment.

The caterpillars are as small as a pepper corn, so you won't see them in the water. However, you can prevent this rash if you are:

Stay away from infested water. When the water splashes, you may see a sign telling you to stay away from the water, or you may hear about someone who recently had an itchy rash after being in the water.

Swimmer’s itch

This often occurs while swimming in lakes and other natural water stocks. It is caused by a parasite that penetrates the skin. Avoid swimming in places known to harbor these parasites. If exposed, tell the child not to itch. In most cases, the condition will improve without treatment, but in some extreme cases it may require medical care.

Molluscum virus

Another infection that spreads through puddles of contaminated water. It is a viral infection that causes dome-shaped bumps; The rash generally occurs on the chest, back, arms, or legs. It is an infectious infection, so a child should not share the bed or towel with others during the infection. Fortunately, the disease clears up on its own, and the child will get better without any treatment.

Sun exposure rashes (Melasma)

If you notice new brown or grayish-brown spots suddenly appearing on your face after a day at the beach, do not immediately think of skin cancer. Think about costs. It usually appears on the cheeks, upper lip, bridge of the nose, forehead, or chin. Rashes are common during pregnancy, but those with a genetic predisposition may notice these spots when out in the sun as well.

Some people can develop an allergy to the sun if they take certain medications, such as doxycycline. Exposure to sunlight can cause skin irritation and, in some cases, blisters when the skin is sensitive when taking these medications.

Yeast infections and athlete’s foot

Yeast loves warm and moist climates, and infections occur in the vagina, under the breasts, folds of the skin, and the groin area. The infection is more common among diabetics because they have more sugar available on their skin and in their sweat.

It's the same principle as working with athlete's foot, which is a fungal infection that causes cracking, peeling, and peeling of the skin that can root when your feet sweat in closed-toed shoes.


Molluscumcontagiosum is a comparable sort of skin contamination brought about by an alternate infection. It causes soft, pink or skin-colored lesions that can appear anywhere on the body. It is contagious, so it must be treated at the initial stage itself.

Acne / pimples

Acne is a common skin problem in teens during the hormonal boom. It is a disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It starts when small hair follicles or pores become clogged with sebum (sebum) from the sebaceous glands in the skin. This blockage is known as blackheads or whiteheads. These blocked follicles can develop into swollen, red, tender pus lesions, or larger cysts or nodules that can cause temporary or permanent scarring. Poor personal hygiene, a high-calorie diet, and stress can aggravate acne, but they do not. Avoid moisturizers or cosmetics that clog pores. Try switching to a non-comedogenic aqueous product instead. A wide range of acne treatments are available and have been shown to be safe and effective for teens and adults. The goal of acne treatment is to begin treatment early to reduce scarring and improve appearance. Treatment will include treatment with topical or systemic drugs.


Prevention is often the best medicine, but it can be difficult - especially if your baby has sensitive skin. Some things to try are:

Teach your child what poison ivy and poison oak look like ("leaves of three, so be it") and if your dog is out of the woods, consider giving him a bath because the oils of poison ivy and oak can linger on the skin and fur. And remember, it can take up to five days for a poison ivy rash to appear

Avoid harsh soaps or laundry detergents if your baby has sensitive skin. Many brands make skin-sensitive versions.

Use sunscreen. Sunburn can sometimes cause itchy and dry skin, so take precautions when out in the sun.

For babies with eczema, it can help to identify triggers such as pollen, animal dander, dry winter air, harsh soaps, and even certain foods and stress. In the winter months, showering and then applying an oil lotion can help lock in moisture to reduce the spread of disease.

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